Managing Director Phone: 203.569.6857 Fax: 203.569.6891 kslocum@mmdillon.com | Kevin Slocum Prior to joining M.M. Dillon & Co. in 2010, Kevin was Managing Director of Greenwich Technology Advisors, an investment bank he cofounded in 2004 that focused on merger and acquisition engagements with component, system and instrumentation manufacturers. He joined M.M. Dillon & Co. as a Managing Director to focus on these same markets. Kevin has more than 25 years of financial industry experience, including institutional equity research sales and analysis. During his tenure as Head of SoundView Technology Group's Communications Research practice he was twice named to the Wall Street Journal's "Home Run Hitter" list. Prior to joining SoundView, he held a number of positions with financial firms focused on technology and emerging grow opportunities. Kevin received his B.A. in economics from the University of Connecticut. |